How to disable copy paste in Blogger blog using CSS

How to disable copy paste in Blogger blog using CSS

How to disable copy paste in Blogger blog: If your blog is built on Blogger and another blogger-user is copying the content of your blogspot blog and pasting it on his blog, then how to stop it, you will get complete information in this post. Now many people are the same thing on their blog to earn money quickly.

When new bloggers see a well established blog, there are higher chances of copying the site-contents. Of course, they begin to copy its content and paste it on their blog. Because they want to earn money online from their blog but don't want to put some efforts to create some genuine content for their blog. 

In my opinion, this is very disgusting. As you know, when we write an extensive blog post, it takes at least 5 to 8 hours, that is, we work hard to create unique and genuine contents for our sites, but there are many so-called bloggers who call themselves bloggers. But infact they aren't.

They start copying our contents and paste them on their sites. The post we write in 5 to 8 hours, they copy it in just a minute and paste it on their blog. It affects our sites very badly. As you know, sometimes Google or other search engines give that Copy Paste blog post a higher rank than that of our.

To avoid this, we have two methods with which you can disable copy paste on your blogger website.

1. How do I turn off copy and paste on Blogger?

You can disable copy paste on your blog by using JavaScript code. After using this code, no part of your site will be able to be copied. To permanently disable copy paste feature on your site, Copy the below code and paste it above the </head> tag of the template and finally save the theme.

<script language='JavaScript1.2'> function disableselect(e){ return false } function reEnable(){ return true } //if IE4+ document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;) //if NS6 if (window.sidebar){ document.onmousedown=disableselect document.onclick=reEnable } </script>

Note:- This code is not so effective because the content of the site can be copied very easily after disabling Javascript in browser, so I will not reccommend this method at all. Because this method is quite useless when someone disables the javascript. Use second method to avoid this.

2. How to disable copy paste except codes on blogger?

This is the best method for disabling copy paste option on blogger site because the CSS code is not as heavy as the JavaScript code which does not affect your site speed much. Whereas JavaScript slows down your site.

Copy the below css code and paste it above the]]> </b: skin> tag of the Blogger template and finally save the template.

body{user-select:none!important;-moz-user-select:-moz-none!important;-webkit-user-select:none!important;-ms-user-select:none!important}.post-body blockquote,.post-body code,.post-body pre{user-select:text!important;-webkit-user-select:text!important;-ms-user-select:text!important;-moz-user-select:text!important}

Final Words

Now your query 'How to disable copy paste in Blogger blog' has been resolved, no one will be able to copy the content from your site even after disabling JavaScript because the code we have used is not javascript but css. In this post I told you two methods with the help of which you can disable the copy paste option in any blogger site. Write down in the comment box below, which method you are going to use.

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