Rampur is a village in Belaganj development block of Gaya district. The population will be around 2300. Pankaj Mehta of the village raise their families by doing agricultural labour. In his family wife Priyanka, son Ranesha and daughter Saloni are there. Pankaj was very happy in his small family.
After the birth of daughter Saloni, the light of happiness started spreading in this family. Pankaj, a labourer on the farms of others, bought land and started working on his own farm. Gradually all the resources of living were gathered with Pankaj's family. The family progressed towards prosperity.
The incident is on the day of Deepawali. Saloni was 2 years old then. There was a noise of firecrackers around the house. The sounds of the ruckus were distracting all the members of the house. But Saloni was silent. This uproar did not bother him. Both Pankaj and Priyanka were surprised to see this. There is also the suspicion of being able to hear something of his daughter.
Pankaj and Priyanka got Saloni examined in District Hospital without wasting time. It is very sad to know that Saloni is congenitally hearing impaired. She will never listen and speak. On the advice of experts, Saloni was put on a hearing aid, but soon Saloni took off and threw away the hearing aid. He did not like wearing a hearing aid. Children around started calling Saloni as dumb.
The family dependent on agricultural work did not have enough time to be able to take Saloni for treatment outside. Gradually Pankaj and Priyanka accepted it as God's will. At the age of 6, Saloni was lodged at the nearby government primary school. The teachers and children of the school could not understand the gestures of Saloni. Classmates also try to run away from Saloni and used to tease her. This way, Saloni continued as a mediocre student.
Now Saloni had come to the fourth class. During one day excursion, MRC Amrendra Sharma of the development block visited the school. He inquired about the family and social background of Saloni. The teachers said that if Saloni gets admission in a particular school, it would be good. Saloni's presence at the school was also minimal. Just 7 weeks in a year. MRC Amrendra Sharma firstly visited Saloni's house and talked to her parents. Encouraged to regularly send Saloni to the school. Explained that Saloni can also study in the school with normal children. Can proceed even after hearing loss.
It was not all that easy. On contacting the parents many times, they understood the importance of education. They started sending Saloni to the school every day. Now it was the turn to make the school-friendly to Saloni.
MRC Amrendra Sharma guided the teachers of the school. Arrangements of charts, flashcards and pictures to explain various information and concepts in the school premises and in the classroom were done. Teachers were provided with information on various techniques and sign languages for teaching hearing-impaired children. This helped in teaching Saloni.
Saloni's educational assessment was done by MRC and created a personalized educational program and implemented with the help of teachers. Gradually, Saloni liked to come to the school every day. Teachers used to try to understand her, sit in the front of the class and cooperate in reading and writing. Instead of teasing Saloni, children would keep her with themselves for play, mid-day meal and other activities. Saloni's writing was very beautiful and she was also fond of painting. She started making beautiful pictures of trees, plants, animals and birds.
Outcome was very pleasant of these group efforts. Saloni received A grade in class IVth examination. Knowing this, Saloni's parents were very happy. Once, they could not believe that their daughter Saloni has joined the list of meritorious students of the school.
All this was possible due to the determination and hard work of Saloni. The success of Saloni brought about a change in the thinking of the family, school and society that even handicapped children can touch the heights and move forward on getting equal participation and equal opportunities.
Read: Kid's Story- Become Tree
Moral Story- The Needle Tree
Moral:- Do not underestimate yourself due to being disabled.
Moral:- Do not underestimate yourself due to being disabled.
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